We are open from 8: 30 to 18: 00, except weekends.
During non-working hours, leave electronic application form
On this page, you can download catalogs and other materials about the products produced and sold by ELIZ. If you want to order products or have any questions, please call us 8 (4922) 533-836 (phone support is open from 09: 00 to 18: 00 hours) or send an email to support@eliz.ru. Our specialists will contact you soon.
The catalog contains descriptions of all types of manufactured tubes, their size range, mechanical parameters of tubes, color table, basic contact information.
В каталоге есть все чертежи профильных изделий по состоянию на август 2024 года, их описание, основная контактная информация и данные о других видах продукции ООО «ЭЛИЗ»
You can attach this order form to the electronic application form. To fill out the order form correctly, use the color matching table and clarifying table for the order.